What is a Deposition?
Although it is not a guaranteed part of any courtroom trial, depositions are key when formulating the best strategies to win your case. As a part of the conduct discovery phase, Depositions are gathered in order for legal professionals to compile a full profile of facts and testimonies regarding their current case. Depositions are considered a formal investigation and every called-upon witness are questioned under oath. During the deposition, the questions and answers from both the witness and attorney are taken down by San Francisco court reporters in a written transcript used for later analysis.
A Deposition’s Purpose
Depositions are a way of drafting a cohesive narrative of events to present in the courtroom. Part of the deposition can be considered a practice session for the witness to go over their testimony should they need to present it in court, while the main purpose of a deposition is meant to be an investigative operation for the opposing legal counsel. The opposition is preparing for what the witness will say, a greater understanding of the events that have unfolded and to poke holes in the story should there be any inconsistencies.
Ensuring A Solid Deposition
In order to keep your case solid, it is best if your story remains consistent. Inconsistencies are often criticized by legal news sites, and it’s been proven that the best method for ensuring consistency is telling the truth. In addition, remind your witness to speak slowly and carefully when being questioned and to let the attorney finish asking their questions before answering. So long as the answers are truthful, “I don’t know” is an acceptable answer, and asking for clarification if an attorney’s question is vague or unclear is also an encouraged tactic to give an unvarying deposition.
AMK Reporting for your San Francisco Deposition
Abrams, Mah and Kahn Reporting and Videoconferencing services have been serving the Orange County area for over 25 years. Our firm has handled several large and complex cases, and is fully prepared and determined to take on any case load, large or small, with the same amount of proficiency and accuracy. Consider AMK court reporters as a compliment your legal team and a valuable resource for California court reporting.