New technology has become a near ubiquitous aspect of many fields and industries. It has enhanced and even completely redefined how people work. It has added efficiency and portability, but it has also offered new ways to work entirely. Who could have imagined the role that trial support software and multimedia presentations would play in today’s legal field just a few decades ago?
Irvine Court Reporting Companies
Irvine court reporters at Abrams, Mah & Kahn offer all of the tools that today’s lawyers need to work in today’s challenging legal field. As the demands of the profession have intensified, these professionals have evolved to offer solutions to the challenges that are a part of today’s casework.
Realtime reporting is one tool that has become an essential time-saving technology. Instant streaming of rough transcripts of proceedings as they unfold have made it easier for lawyers to quickly integrate this information into their casework.
Videoconferencing is also offered by Orange County court reporting firms. It has many applications in the legal field, including allowing lawyers to collaborate with co-counsel on casework. It also can be used in concert with realtime reporting to allow lawyers to participate in depositions remotely, which can be crucial for lawyers working on cases that transcend their local area. They can depose witnesses over a secure video connection, helping to save time and money that would have been devoted to travel.
Your Court Reporters in Irvine
Abrams, Mah & Kahn is also committed to supporting visiting attorneys when they come here to work. They can provide all of the services lawyers need to accomplish their objectives and return to their clients and their cases.
The challenges of today’s legal work must be met with creative ideas and innovative technology. The best lawyers are working with experienced court reporters who can bring both into their practices.