AMK Brings Essential Services to Casework

AMK Brings Essential Services to Casework

The legal system is quite complex and includes many different occupations to keep it running smoothly. While most people think of criminals, judges, and lawyers as being the only parties that make up a courtroom, there are other highly important people that can truly...

Make Videoconferencing a Part of Your Work

Becoming increasingly important in today’s world are reliable and professional videography services. If you would like to use video depositions in a court room, Irvine court reporters at AMK Reporting can support the integration of video technology into your...

New Technology in the Law Firm

New technology in the court reporting field has changed the way lawyers prepare their cases and then deliver them in the courtroom. Lawyers now know that working with an experienced court reporting firm can be a powerful asset throughout their work. AMK Reporting can...

Choosing an Experienced Court Reporting Firm

Choosing an Irvine court reporting firm with the experience to handle diverse types of technology is giving law firms an edge. They are being introduced to new technology that is allowing them to better manage the diverse forms of information that make up our world,...

Technology from Irvine Court Reporters

Today’s law firms need to have the confidence that they are working with the latest technology to augment their work. The right tools can help lawyers work with information in new ways while also allowing them to create new and innovative ways to reach jurors. Irvine...

Irvine Court Reporting Companies

Irvine court reporters at AMK can help legal professionals meet the changing needs of their casework. We provide a number of important tools that allow then to connect in new ways and make the most of their limited time. Our realtime reporting services can help...

Support for Visiting Attorneys

The world is getting smaller, but cases are getting bigger. At AMK Reporting and Videoconferencing, we work to assist local attorneys and those visiting the area from across the country. In San Francisco and Irvine, we can provide the experience and technology lawyers...

Irvine Court Reporting Firms and Companies

Irvine court reporters at AMK Reporting are committed to providing attorneys with the tools they need to work in any setting, helping legal professionals overcome the challenges of today’s legal work. Over the years, the legal profession has changed. AS this has...